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Rabu, 16 Mac 2011

استعداد Preparation

Getting married is indeed a grand affair. It happens to be one the most exciting and busy time in a woman’s life. Marriage also happens to be an occasion to fulfill many a dream a girl bears from the very childhood. Almost all girls wait anxiously for the moment when she will be the proud bride to be. Still, wedding is not just a matter of dream and imaginations.

Yum Yum Yum Tips

Eating well should top the list of dos. Include lots of juices and fruits in your diet. Tomato juice is good for the skin
Exfoliating the face and body should also be an essential in the beauty itinerary. Have a good face-scrub and use the scrub at least 3 times a week. It is better to scrub the dry areas such as your elbows, knees and heels often. After that application of Vaseline is mandatory.
Oil your hair every alternate day. It is wise to take multi-vitamins too.
Keep your nails beautiful by rubbing the cuticles with olive oil, as it makes them tougher, soft and supple
Adequate care for feet should also be taken. Go for pedicure sessions periodically.
Cinnamon & honey is extremely good for rough skin. Apply it and leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off. This will tone up the skin well.
Packs made of Besan, haldi, and lemon juice is good for oily skin. Make the mix and apply it on face. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off.
Orange Juice attributes the skin with an added glow. Apply and leave on for 15 minutes until it becomes dry and then scrub-off.
Oatmeal and honey act as a great remedy for dry skin.

Hydration is an essential element for the brides to be. Drinking lots of water is indeed beneficial for a bride to be, as it reaps great effects in making you the bride glowing with health. Water helps in lowering the body fat; flushing out the cellulite, improving the digestion and also in getting rid of dark circles under the eyes and hence making you feel full.
Walk for at least 10 minutes a day and make it your routine. This in turn will help in metabolism and will keep you active.
Eat often but make sure to eat in small portions.

Credit to EMPIRE

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